Psychological Testing/Psychological Assessment is the administration of standardized tests to gain insight into behavior. Oftentimes, testing is administered as a way to confirm a diagnosis and develop an appropriate treatment plan for the client, whether for therapy, school or for the physician. All testing/assessment issues are to assist in the counseling process only.
We currently are testing for the following areas:
Attention Deficits in Children, Adolescent and Adults
- Difficulty with attention can be attributed to a variety of issues. Most commonly, we see people wanting to confirm a diagnosis of ADHD. Symptoms of ADHD can include inattention, inability to retain information, hyperactivity and distractibility. Sometimes it may not be ADHD at all but due to an underlying condition such as anxiety or depression or difficulty adjusting to changes.
- We have varying tests to determine issues with Autism Spectrum.
- Autism is a developmental disorder that affects communication and behaviors. It can range from mild to severe. Symptoms may include poor social skills, difficulty expressing emotions, difficulty understanding other’s feelings, sensory issues, poor eye contact, repeating words or phrases and more.
- Our goal is to test if a client falls on the autism spectrum and look at other behavioral, intellectual or developmental issues.
- We can also administer testing for a sensory profile. This is to help with sensory issues at home and school and make appropriate recommendations.
Behavioral/Emotional Issues
- In childhood and adolescence, we are often presented with a varying degree of emotions and behaviors. Oftentimes we want to identify specific disorders, personality issues, and behavioral tendencies.
- We use a variety of assessments to look at behaviors, emotions, personality and psychological adjustment.
Academic Assessment
- Assess for basic academic level.
Career Interest/Development
- We can administer an assessment to look at your and skills. These scales reflect an individual’s attraction for specific occupational areas.
Psychological Issues
- We have several assessments that assess for different emotional issues such as depression, anxiety, personality, disruptive behaviors, anger, emotional distress, personality, mania, and schizophrenia.
Intelligence Testing
- We administer a brief or in depth assessment of intelligence in helping with our overall psychological assessment.
- We can determine learning deficits not learning disorders. We do not test for dyslexia.
Test Battery
- A test battery is a group of tests administered together to get a good overall picture. This is recommended if needing to confirm a diagnosis and look at recommendations for treatment areas in counseling. It is also good for making recommendations for school and home.
- Generally a test battery will include behavioral, personality and intelligence or academic assessments along with a clinical interview of the client and family members.
- A test battery will come with a formal psychological evaluation report.
Assessments administered will vary based on presenting issues conducted during the initial psychological interview. Testing is administered by licensed professionals in the state of Texas. A license and formalized training is required to administer psychological assessments. Please call our office and let them know you are wanting testing and schedule a psychological evaluation.
If using insurance, please verify your insurance will pay for psychological testing. Any copays and deductibles will apply. Testing/Assessment is done over multiple time frames, therefore you may receive a bill when using insurance for multiple testing sessions. With insurance, you are often limited to one set of testing per year. Please verify with your insurance prior.